Erasmus+ KA1 Courses

Digital Storytelling

with Aristotle’s Poetics in the Digital Era

DescriptionApproachLearning OutcomesAudienceREGISTER NOW !

"We need to bring learning to people instead of people to learning." Elliot Masie


This 2-week course has been created for teachers who want to utilise non-traditional teaching and learning methods. The course’s main aim is to develop and advance participants’ life, soft, digital, and 4Cs skills (creativity, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking) to increase their active participation and engagement in the zone of proximal development/flow for Positive Education. To achieve this goal, the course utilises creative storytelling to support diversity and cultural awareness, multiliteracies, and multimodality. The participants learn and work collaboratively on specific storylines, rules, structures, and methods, first set by Aristotle in Poetics. Upon completion, they will be able to introduce new methods and techniques to their school practices, manage changes and problems, and overall, develop the PERMA-V Positive Education framework (Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Achievement, and Vitality).


The course refers to creative storytelling storylines as an innovative pedagogical approach. Modern storytelling storyline structures provide the frames for the teachers and their students to externalize and communicate their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a coherent and appealing manner. Aristotle’s 3 Acts structure and catharsis and the Hero’s Emotional Journey Storyline provide the framework to externalize and communicate participants’ and their students’ thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a coherent and appealing manner. The participants will explore several Hero’s journey storyline structures and emotional journeys anchored in their unique and diverse experiences, themes, and cognitive backgrounds as individuals or/and as members of social groups. Anchored in their unique and diverse experiences as well as the current experiences in Greece, the participants can write their own stories, by engaging in the zone of proximal flow, freeing themselves from the real and stressful reality. By the end of the course, teachers will have acquired a greater knowledge about creative storytelling storylines and increase their 4Cs (creativity, communication, collaboration, critical thinking) and PERMA skills building life, soft and life-long learning skills and abilities. They will also shed light into understanding their students’ emotional needs and behaviour and acquire skills for Positive Education individually as well as a community. As the complexity increases and new challenges are raised in the world, this course will help participants to externalise their world models in a story as well as their students, and learn to solve problems, acquire new ways of thinking, get involved in problem creation and solving. The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in this course crucially enhance and advance students’ intellectual and emotional development for Positive Education.

Learning Outcomes

The course will help the participants to: Learn about the creative storytelling storylines and the ways these are related to ancient Greek storytelling and Aristotle’s Poetics in particular. Combine The Hero’s Journey with the Hero’s Emotional Journey to understand emotional and social intelligence skills and how to enhance and foster them in themselves and their students. Reflect on the consequences of their choices and practices for students' learning and development and capture them in writing and / or orally. Take advantage of their diversity by working individually or in small teams to develop interdisciplinary stories. Choose appropriate methods, techniques, activities, instruments, materials, and methods of evaluation in creative storytelling. Understand the role of education in the development of the 4Cs critical and creative thinking. Work effectively with diverse digital tools for story presentation and sharing across multiple situations and fields.



Welcome, getting to know each other, introduction to E-learning and Media tools.


The Hero’s Journey: Advancing creativity and modern storytelling with Aristotle’s Poetics. 


The Hero’s Emotional Journey to Aristotle’s Catharsis: Emotional Education for Positive Education with PERMA-V (Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Achievement, and Vitality). 


The Hero’s Journey Storyline: Writing our stories together in small teams for Positive Education; story analysis and evaluation methods and techniques.


Digital Creative Storytelling: Storyboarding and Narrative Games. 


Guided tour in Patras Mycenaean Park - Voundeni, Nafpaktos or Egion city, and surrounding traditional villages.


Free Day (departure of participants attending the basic course).


Share Our Stories: Using applications to share our stories via story presentation, mood-boards and pitch-boards.


Course Project – Patras Mycenaean Park - Voundeni Day One: Create a multimodal story using onsite information.

DAY 10

Course Project – Patras Mycenaean Park - Voundeni Day Two: Development of a complete-learning lesson based on blended learning technique.

DAY 11

Creative Europe: presentation of financing programmes and case studies. Evaluation and Farewell party.

DAY 12

Departure of participants

Cultural Programm.

In the northwestern part of Peloponnese, the city of Patras is the capital of the region and an important commercial port of the country. The newArchaeological Museum of Patras, the church of Saint Andrew and the Fortress of Rio are some of the attractions visitors must see, while a strollalong the Rio-Antirio Bridge is a unique experience, along with participatingat Patras carnival cultural events. There are many points of interest in this region including the Vouraikos Canyon and the rack railway, the Monastery of Agia Lavra and the Monastery of Megalo Spileo (Big Cave), the Cave of the Lakes and the Museum of Sacrifice bythe People of Kalavryta. The main attraction in popular Kalavryta is the skiresort.

We Support You.

If you are interested in submitting any kind Erasmus+ KA1 project proposal, we support you in preparing and submitting the application to your National Agency.  We have developed a set of guidelines for the preparation of the KA1 e-form, which we provide with no additional fee.  All the activities andservices are fully covered by the grant received by Erasmus+ if the project is approved.

We are Flexible.

We act as receiving organization and accept students, teachers and staff any time of the year.  Courses are offered in corresponding target group format.  Each course is structured so that it ispossible to attend the basic level (20 hours in 6 days) or the advanced level(40 hours in 12 days).  Courses are offered starting from March to November.

We Certify our Courses.

Innotomia is an expert and skillful training organization, using educators with vast exercisein the field of initial, continuous and permanent Vocational Training.  We certify every mobility experience with the issueof Europass Mobility certification and a certificate of attendance.


20-24 Mar 2023

10-14 April 2023

24-28 April 2023

15-19 May 2023

22-27 May 2023

12-16 June 2023

26-30 June 2023

10-14 July 2023

24-28 July 2023


Course fee

€ 380,00/week


HB SR: € 85,00/day

HB DR: € 60,00/day/per

FB SR: € 95,00/day

FB DR: € 80,00/day/per

1 day guided tour included. Optional visits to Olympia and Delphi on request.

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